Alexander Schieffer

Alexander Schieffer is an integral philosopher, transformative educator, scholar, activist and poet, whose life is dedicated to integral transformation for cultural renaissance. Co-Originator of the Integral Worlds approach, Alexander co-founded TRANS4M in 2006, a local-global movement for integral transformation ( In 2019, he co-founded, together with Dr. Rama Mani, Home for Humanity, an integral campus in rural France that convenes and catalyses a transcultural community of pioneering transformative leaders around the collective vision of ‘co-creating a just, inclusive and regenerative Earth Civilization’ (

A reflection on the theme: 'Towards a Loving World, Leadership and Governance for Well-Being'.

"let love take over our ship."

let love
take over
our ship

let us follow
the winds
of change

let us journey
to the island
of ourtopia

let us shatter
all ice
on the way

let us seed
upon arrival
the future

and let
our ship’s captain
do the gardening

a poem dedicated to the spirit of humanity forum
and to the theme: "towards a loving world, leadership and governance for well-being"
(alexander schieffer / V 2021)