The Geneva co-creative process
For over ten years, the Spirit of Humanity Forum (SoH Forum) has developed organically, giving space to Life's energy taking part in guidance and decisions. After the SoH Forum 2017 in Reykjavik, Sara Caputo from Argentina said, « I would like to bring the SoH Forum to Patagonia ». A wonderful South American Regional event happened in 2018 as a result of that. After the 2019 event in Reykjavik, Sylvie from Switzerland told us the same, mentioning Geneva. At the end of 2019, a Swiss team of 14 motivated souls gathered in Lausanne, inspired by contributing to a world with more human consciousness and love. All was on its way for an event in February 2021, just after the WEF in Davos, to happen at La Maison de la Paix in Geneva. Covid19 changed the plans! The core team, called the « Program Circle », decided to maintain its weekly Wednesday 9 AM meetings.
Facing global and personal uncertainty, simply by being together, taming and enjoying shared Silence, we embraced the depth of being before doing, listening to each other without the need to necessarily respond, without having to give a point of view or an opinion. Listening, simply being fully present, experiencing and sensing Life, others expression, without the need to move to action or even make sense. Naturally, we slowed down. Silence became a friend we all enjoyed being with and listening to at any moment; it was our musical background. Minds slowed down, our verbal sharing too.
We were no longer interrupting eachother. Space was there to close each expression softly. Interrupting Silence became conscious and sacred. Creative Silence was born. This deep listening process, another way of being together, is still alive weekly. Since the decision to hold the June 2021 SoH Forum online, action has been introduced in the process. Two primary outcomes have been observed and nourished. Firstly, the attention and caring of each member to maintain beingness in our doing. We are keeping human well-being at the core of all action. Secondly, co-creating while deeply caring for each other's well-being. It happens when we help ourselves to be authentic and openly transcend our egos. It is a journey and a necessary engagement to celebrate true co-creativity, surrendering our individual contributions to the oneness of a collective co-creation.
With the perspective of its contribution to the June SoH Forum, two working groups have naturally emerged, inviting respective innovative leaders in the same co-creative process. One is on Participative Urbanism and Sacred Territory, the second is on Media and Well-being. This the inspiration of the evolving SoH Forum journey. A global movement giving visibility to compassionate leaders, continuing to develop organically, organised with increasing co-creativity.
Mark Milton
Education 4 Peace