Thomas Hübl
Spiritual teacher, author, and international facilitator. His lifelong work integrates the core insights of the...
Steve Killelea
Founder & Executive Chairman, The Charitable Foundation and the Institute for Economics and Peace. “You...
Dr. Azza Karam
Secretary General of Religions for Peace – the largest multi-religious leadership platform with 92 national...
Theresa Chuang and Chris Zheng
Co-Founders and Directors of Farm Sincera, a project that aspires to bring sustainability to eco-tourism...
Dr Joy DeGruy
Internationally renowned researcher and educator. Her research focuses on the intersection of racism, trauma, violence...
Dr Vandana Shiva
Founder of Navdanya, a movement for biodiversity conservation and farmers rights. Founder and director of...
Bob Boisture
President and CEO of the Fetzer Institute “I think love is the only thing that...
Lene Rachel Andersen
Author, economist, futurist and philosopher. Co-authored the book ‘The Nordic Secret’ together with Tomas Björkman....
John, Lord Alderdice
Northern Ireland politician and Member of House of Lords of the United Kingdom As Leader...
Sister Jayanti Kirpalani
Additional Administrative Head and European Director, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. “Dignity and worth don’t...