Thursday 3 June at 16.00 GMT

For REGISTERED Participants

After the plenary "Visions of global well-being" on Thursday 3rd of June registered participants are invited to join further explorations of the topics presented in the plenary. There will be five different conversations to chose from and the "doors" to these conversations will be found in the Forum environment and open for access when it is time to go there. No pre-registration required. 

Community Process - Small People Doing Small Things in a Small Place 

in Spanish with English translation

Villa La Angostura is a small village in Neuquén, Patagonia Argentina, that host the Patagonia Spirit of Humanity Forum (October 2018) expanding SoH Forum proposal to Spanish speaking people. In the last years many groups have been working in improving good living and wellbeing. We wonder how can we move forward accepting our differences and sharing those values that are needed to enhance the loving world that is evolving.

  • How can we articulate the different activities we are coping with in terms of wellbeing?
  • What is the type of leaderships that we are encouraging at this moment?
  • Are we able to focus our activities in our alliances more than in our differences?

People dealing with environment, education, recycling, mediation, pandemic challenges, etc. will be present

Facilitator: Sara Caputo

Sara Caputo2

Sara Caputo

Media’s influence

in English

With the increase of social media and the digitalisation of mass information, the media world is going through challenging time and a deep mutation.

  • What will media look like in the next 3 to 5 years?
  • Can media contribute to enhance collective and global well-being? Can media take any responsibility? How?
  • Being the innovators, is it an opportunity to further collaborate with the young generation in tomorrow's journalism?

Deep conversations held in Switzerland amongst chief editors and young journalists will be presented to start sharing experiences and reflections.

Facilitator: Sylvie Berti-Rossi & Mark Milton

Sylvie Berti-Rossi2

Sylvie Berti-Rossi

Mark Milton

Mark Milton

Urbanisme participatif et bien-être

en Français

Les participants seront invités à partager leurs réflexions, expériences, projets, inspirations sur les manières de maintenir l'harmonie avec notre planète dans l'aménagement du territoire. Une expérience récente menée à Genève sera présentée pour lancer la conversation.

Facilitators: Michael Meier & Ariane Hentsch, du Collectif « Territoire vivant » soutenu par Spirit of Humanity Genève


Michael Meier


Ariane Hentsch

Participatory Urbanism and Well-Being

in English

Participants are invited to share reflections, experiences, projects, inspirations about how to maintain harmony between our planet and urban planning. A recent experience in Geneva will be presented to start the ball rolling.

Facilitators: Amin Khosravi & Victoria Jones, from the Collective "Territoire Vivant”


Amin Khosravi

Victoria Jones

Victoria Jones

Culture of Peace from the South of the South: Models of the Future

in Spanish with English translation 

Casa de la Pax Cultura Civil Association and GAMIP ALC invite you to this session.

The purpose is to create a space where new models of governance, of living, of relationship with all the environment and surrounding life leading to well being can be presented and shared.

We will start with a minute of silence, after that will present the space and our three main axes of work: new models on Education, Governance and Restorative Practices; then the session will be opened to the participants. The last 5 minutes will be dedicated to conclusions.

We offer these questions as a guide por the Conversation:

  • How do we build a Culture of Peace based on what has been shared in the Panel?
  • What inspirations have we received that lead us to new actions or to reaffirm those that are being carried out?
  • What Leadership and Governance models do we envision for the future?

Facilitator: Estela Tustanovsky


Estela Tustanovsky