We will explore the theme 'Healing a World in Crisis, Leading with Authenticity and Love', not only at the 6th Spirit of Humanity Forum in Iceland 2023 but also through online workshops, articles and other events for two years, until the autumn of 2024. These workshops are gifts to SoH Forum in a true spirit of humanity, for which we are very grateful.

How can inner development contribute to a sustainable planet?

In 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals gave us a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030. The 17 goals cover a wide range of issues that involve people with different needs, values, and convictions. There is a vision of what needs to happen, but progress along this vision has so far been disappointing. We lack the inner capacity to deal with our increasingly complex environment and challenges. Fortunately, research shows that inner work can develop our capabilities. In this workshop we will learn more about how inner development can enable the change we need.


Welcome to a workshop led by Michael Wernstedt, Chief Operating Officer, Inner Development Goals. Michael is a social entrepreneur and lawyer. He has built up and served as secretary general of Raoul Wallenberg Academy (RWA). RWA empowers over 20,000 young people to make a difference each year, through leadership training and school projects focused on how to stand up for Human Rights. Michael was co-founder and party leader of the political party the Initiative. A value-based and process-oriented party with the ambition to create a new political culture by inviting the public to co-create the policy. Michael contributed on a panel at the Fourth International Spirit of Humanity Forum in Iceland 2019.

Michael Wernstedt SQUARE

Michael Wernstedt

Quaker Silence: The Work of Love

I was born into a Quaker family and so I was born into silence, for it is silence which governs the lives of Quakers. Whatever the task may be, it is governed by silence and by what we call ‘right ordering’. This going into silence is not withdrawal, it is engagement and action, and right ordering is important because it shapes the ways in which we listen to each other and make decisions.

Professor David Cadman is very familiar with the unique practice of using silence as a tool for holding meetings. He says that participants arrive relaxed to Quaker meetings because they trust that others will listen to them with attention. It may take more time, but the result is more clarity and confidence in decisions, and there will be more trust and good feelings among participants. We will take the time that is needed to understand each other appropriately and we often learn that behind different standpoints is a similar intention. It supports confidence in saying what we mean. Quakers are known for speaking up.

We have invited David Cadman, who is also one of the founding members of the SoH Forum, to take us through an experience of 'the Quaker way' of holding meetings. It is a great example of the practical application of spirituality and how relevant it is today.


David Cadman

Taking Love seriously changes everything, for Love is the Ultimate Reality. It is our constant and necessary guide.
Recovery of LOve small

In depth on Silence
David recently published papers on the topic 'The Recovery of Love'. Paper 3 and 4 goes in depth on the topic of silence: Read them HERE

About David's work: Read more HERE

The joy of caring: presencing as a future forming gesture, inviting us to include, emerge and transcend

How are we able to find a way towards love and joy at all times?

Caring is much more than just paying attention when there is sickness and pain. Caring is loving, appreciating, accepting, receiving, embracing, feeling and understanding. It is sharing, accompanying, healing, giving relief, inspiration and encouragement. It is co-creating. To care is to listen, to be present, available, open and attentive. To care is to give oneself out of joy.

Co-creating practices to nurture wellbeing through the joy of caring.

Exploring how we can make our relationships a genuine flow from me to you and between us, releasing masks, guilt and defensive attitudes that separate and exhaust us. 

Let us explore, share and co-create practices that enable us to develop as creative, autonomous, emotionally and spiritually mature people, to become leaders that embrace in the joy of caring: transforming.


Miriam Subirana

Let us explore, share and co-create practices that enable us to develop as creative, autonomous, emotionally and spiritually mature people, to become leaders that embrace in the joy of caring: transforming difficulties into possibilities, creating equality, justice and solidarity in the world.

The Heartful Leader

Leading and working from the heart = wellbeing + compassion + integration

This workshop is designed to help leaders and changemakers access and integrate the infinite resources of their hearts. These heart-based resources promote clarity of mind and the ability to be present in each moment, enabling better decision making and increasing self-compassion and compassion for others. Simple techniques will show us how to reduce stress, improve overall health and wellbeing, clear the mind's clutter, and let go of negative and unhealthy habits which hold us back. 

Enjoy a profound, experiential workshop with time for reflection and interaction.

Facilitated by Hester O'Connor and Judith Nelson.


Dr Hester O Connor

As we emerge from the Global pandemic this is a crucial time for leaders to embrace the importance of what it means to have the courage to soften and to face the changes we need to make in order to build a more humane and compassionate world for ourselves, for colleagues and for our communities. It is a time to listen and live from within the beauty of our own hearts.

Judith Nelson

The ability to lead, love, and help others, starts within each of us. Just as we should put on our own oxygen mask before helping others, a good leader needs the skills, time, and space, to look after themselves and plan for a better world and future. The Forum provides this beneficial space, developing the inner resources and finest qualities needed for exceptional leadership in today's world.

Mirroring our Leadership for a Connected Society

Do you experience love and connectedness in your workplace?
How can we contribute towards a flourishing society?
Which leadership skills are needed for a flourishing workplace and society?

A workshop in which to learn about the 'ideal' connective leader, to mirror our connective leadership skills and be part of a connective dialogue.

The story of this workshop around the Connective Leadership Mirror actually starts in 2005 when reading the book Presence (Senge, Scharmer, et al., 2004) which suggests that organisations hold both the responsibility and the opportunity to contribute to a flourishing society, mainly through enabling constructive and connective leadership. 

In 2009, Cees initiated the Dutch Society for Connective Leadership, a movement inquiring into, and promoting the image of the ‘ideal’ connective leader, furthermore offering a free ‘mirroring’ scan to invite leaders, managers and professionals to review and discuss their personal “CL” profile. 

Welcome to view your personal Connective Leadership Mirror and contribute (anonymously) to the creation of a contemporary leadership profile.


Cornelis (Cees) J. Hoogendijk

My work with organisations and my workshop on connective leadership resonate highly with this year's theme. We spend a major part of our time in some kind of organisation, which serves consciously or unconsciously as an influencing context. The more constructive, appreciation, connectedness and love we experience in our work, the more we will spread it in our lives, families and networks.

Worldview Reflection as a True Dichotomy and Complementary Thinking Task in Behalf of Human Survival

Four Arrows, aka Don Trent Jacobs, Ph.D., Ed.D., is author of numerous books, peer-reviewed articles and chapters on applications of Indigenous Worldview as a proven solution to our existential world problems. Former Director of Education at Oglala, Lakota College and currently a professor of education for change at Fielding Graduate University, his academic work, spiritual life and social/ecological justice activism have received international recognition, including a book on his work by Dr. Michael Fisher entitled Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows.


Four Arrows

Loving the world must begin with loving all life forms fearlessly